15th - 20th Cent. Masters

Salvador Dalí

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Tristan and Isolde

Salvador Dalí
FRAMED Dimensions:
31" x 35"
Engraving with color
In pencil

Isolde is married to King Marc and sequestered from Tristan within the castle walls. Tristan suffers greatly in not seeing her and decides to disguise himself as a fool so he can enter King Marc’s castle and possibly see Isolde again. In Mad Tristan, Dalí shows us a grotesque disguise with a jester’s costume and what is indeed, unrecognizable as Tristan. Tristan, the great warrior has been reduced to an outlandish fool. The large stone with many cracks rests at his feet as a testament to the eternal loss of his future. Possibly, Tristan has really - gone mad.


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