15th - 20th Cent. Masters

Salvador Dalí

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Bullfight #2

Salvador Dalí
FRAMED Dimensions:
41" x 34"
In pencil

The bold red of the cape stands out against the stark black tones of the bull, emphasizing its significance within the composition. Red, often associated with passion, intensity, and danger, heightens the emotional impact of the artwork. Symbolically, the swirling red cape represents the pivotal role of the matador in the bullfight. The matador expertly maneuvers the cape to entice and manipulate the charging bull. The cape becomes a symbol of control and artistry, as the matador's skill and precision allow him to orchestrate the movements of the bull with grace and finesse. The bull, a symbol of raw power and untamed nature, represents the primal forces that the matador confronts. The swirling cape becomes a metaphor for the delicate balance between man and beast, highlighting the interplay between control and vulnerability.


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